
富邦產物保險股份有限公司 - 資訊公開說明文件

公司治理 - 保險業揭露氣候相關資訊-溫室氣體盤查及確信情形
資本額 100 億元以上公司 本公司個體盤查
V 資本額100 億元以上公司之合併財務報告子公司及資本額 50 億元以上未達 100 億元之公司 合併財務報告子公司盤查
資本額50億元以上且未滿100億元公司之合併財務報告子公司及資本額未達 50 億元之公司 本公司個體確信
資本額未達50億元公司之合併財務報告子公司 V 合併財務報告子公司確信
範疇一總排放量 (公噸 CO2e)密集度 (公噸 CO2e/千元)(註 2)確信機構確信情形說明(註3)檔案名稱
本公司284.6530.00000584新加坡商英國標準協會集團私人有限公司臺灣分公司Verification opinion statement As a result of carrying out verification procedures in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2006, it is the opinion of BSI with reasonable assurance that: 1.The Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. for the period from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 was verified, including direct greenhouse gas emissions 284.653 tonnes of CO2 equivalent and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from importedrgy 3,558.515 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. 2.No material misstatements for the period from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 Greenhouse Gas Emissions calculation were revealed. 3.Data quality was considered acceptable in meeting the principles as set out in ISO 14064-1:2018. 4.The emission factor for electricity for the year 2022 is not published by Taiwan government so far, the emission factor used for electricity is 0.509 kilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalent per kWh instead which may potentially result in different Greenhouse Gas Emission estimates. 富邦產物保險股份有限公司2022年-ISO14064-1:2018(BSI).pdf
範疇二總排放量 (公噸 CO2e)密集度 (公噸 CO2e/千元)(註 2)確信機構確信情形說明(註3)檔案名稱
本公司3558.5150.00007301新加坡商英國標準協會集團私人有限公司臺灣分公司Verification opinion statement As a result of carrying out verification procedures in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2006, it is the opinion of BSI with reasonable assurance that: 1.The Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. for the period from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 was verified, including direct greenhouse gas emissions 284.653 tonnes of CO2 equivalent and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from importedrgy 3,558.515 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. 2.No material misstatements for the period from 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 Greenhouse Gas Emissions calculation were revealed. 3.Data quality was considered acceptable in meeting the principles as set out in ISO 14064-1:2018. 4.The emission factor for electricity for the year 2022 is not published by Taiwan government so far, the emission factor used for electricity is 0.509 kilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalent per kWh instead which may potentially result in different Greenhouse Gas Emission estimates. 富邦產物保險股份有限公司2022年-ISO14064-1:2018(BSI).pdf


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